What is Reader's Workshop?

  • The fifth grade reading curriculum incorporates a balanced literacy approach using shared reading, interactive read alouds, and the workshop model developed from The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (Columbia University). Students are matched with “just right” books that they can read with accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.

    Reading Units of Study Include:

    Interpretation Book Clubs: Analyzing Themes

    Tackling Complexities of Non-Fiction

    Reading Like a Fan - Author Study

    Argument & Advocacy: Researching Debatable Issues

    Fantasy Book Clubs

What is Writer's Workshop?

  • As with reading, the fifth grade writing curriculum provides students with a balanced literacy approach designed to improve their skills in the three genres of writing that are spotlighted in the Common Core State Standards: narrative, opinion, and informational.  It is also developed from The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (Columbia University.)


    Writing Units of Study Include:

    Personal Narrative


    Literary Essay

    Research-Based Argument Essay

    Graphic Novels


    Click HERE to visit the Teachers College: Columbia University - Reading & Writing Project website! 


    The fifth grade gramar curriculum provides students with the necesarry skills to blend grammar into both Reading and Writing lessons in order to activate meaning and create connection across subjects. Curriculum is developed from the Patterns of Power: Inviting Young Writers into the Conventions of Language book written by Jeff Anderson and Whitney La Rocca.

     Grammar Units of Study Include:



    Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Proper Nouns

    Complex Sentences