Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Posner
Health Education 3rd-8th
Physical Education 3rd-8th
Ms. Posner dposner@mountainsideschools.org
Ms. Cruts ncruts@mountainsideschools.org
Mr. Stanton bstanton@mountainsideschools
Ms. Posner, Ms, Cruts and Mr. Stanton welcome you to Physical Education, where you will be challenged, treated fairly, have many opportunities to partake in a variety of acticities, and have fun doing it! You will be participating in a health adventure and physical education class everyday.
Deerfield School Physical Education Goals
*Learn the skills necessary to perform a variety of tasks
*Become physically fit
*Partake in regular physical activities both in and out of school
*Know the implications of the benefits from involvement in physical activities
*Value physical activity and its contribution to a healthful lifestyle
*1/3 Preparation- are you dressed everyday
*1/3 Participation-sincere effort, cooperation, team work, attitude and ability
*1/3 Skill Test- tested on rules, terms and concepts of each unit
*Demonstrate abilities and participate to th