Word Search Creator
QR Code Creator
Getting Loopy- Repeat with Loops - Introductory Video First Grade
Shelve It: a game to sort and organize library books
Find the Technology Review and Search
Know your keyboard Letters. QWERTY
TECHNOLOGY lessons for students
Geoboard Creations
What is a computer? SciShow Kids
BRING THE BOOK BACK TO THE LIBRARY https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/articles/zqnc4wx
Design a classroom. Become an architect. Click HERE.
Storybird Use illustrations to inspire storytelling and creative writing.
Kim and Lee Cyber Safety (8 min)
Faux Paw the Techno Cat , 4 online safety adventures
Hector's World Ming and the Cyberbully
Common Sense Media's Follow the Digital Trail
AASL Best Websites and Apps Symbaloo
login: mside password: learn
Early World of Learning is for the younger student. It contains fiction books and nonfiction articles that can be read to them.
World Book Kids allows younger students to compare animals, states, countries, continents and anything.
For Preschoolers
Learning coding without computers - Printables and overall skill sets
For Kindergartners
More Learning coding without computers- Printables based on children's books. Love it!
Letter and Number Tracing Practice
Word Search Creator Jr. (beginner)
Fuzz Bugs: Sort and compare the bugs
First to Five: A rolling dice game. Good practice with addition, summing, or touch counting.
Monster Mansion Number Match: Play show or memory version matching dots or dots and numbers.
Cupcake Maker Birthday Celebration
First and Second Graders
Word Search Creator (standard)
Beginning of Year: What I Know About Digital Literacy
Design a classroom. Become an architect. Click HERE.
QR Codes for Kids (puppet show skit)
QR Codes explained
Pictures and images that are copyright approved for re-use include Photos4Class and Pics4Learning.
Create an online interactive story featuring a variety of characters, settings, and actions with My Storymaker
Word Search Creator (standard)
Pictures and Clip Art Using Creative Commons
Video Tutorial for Monster Corner Bookmarks
Buncee:Buncee: A how to create a multimedia presentation tutorial
Mrs. Bladzinski's sample Buncee creation
Aurasma: An aug to PokemonGo) but with a lot of classroom uses, especially for the end-of-the-year 2nd grade monument project
YouTube demo of Daisy the Dinosaur in action
Match each book with the student who wants it.
Poetry and Word Games by Kenn Nesbitt
Wiggly Worm instructions and video
and another
Teacher Resources
Lessons from the Creative Educator
Knowledge Quest, The AASL Magazine
Attributes and sorting games to coordinate with the book Nancy Knows by Cybele Young. Try any of these to practice your classifying skills and drag-and-drop mouse skills on the computer.