login: mside password: learn
Early World of Learning is for the younger student. It contains fiction books and nonfiction articles that can be read to them.
World Book Kids allows younger students to compare animals, states, countries, continents and anything.
EBSCO's Explora or Primary Search is a full text database for elementary school research and reading. Users may search by keyword or topic, and students have access to the Dictionary and Encyclopedia. Teacher Resources available, too. Additionally, there is the opportunity to browse through entire issues of your favorite publication.There are a few ways to get to EBSCO. If you are in school, ask Mrs. B to help you find the right spot using JerseyClicks or follow the directions below.From www.mountainsidelibrary.org, click on the Resources tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. Select Ebscohost Periodicals Database under the heading 'Internet and Online Reference Tools'. When prompted, log on with your Mountainside Public Library card number. Explore any of the databases you wish, but Searchasaurus is especially good for our youngest users.login: mside password: learn
Early World of Learning is for the younger student. It contains fiction books and nonfiction articles that can be read to them.
World Book Kids allows younger students to compare animals, states, countries, continents and anything.
Jersey Clicks is New Jersey's statewide portal for searching full-text databases offered by the New Jersey State Library, the New Jersey Library Network, and funds from the Library Services and Technology Act.
These high quality databases cover subjects such as health, history, business, educaiton, science, current events, literature, and popular fiction. Even though you are accessing these via the Web, most resources are digitized from print resources that you would find in excellent library collections. So while the format may be electronic, the information is identical to the printed companion version.
Access these resources remotely from any Internet connection 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
If prompted for a password, enter your valid Mountainside Public Library card # (no spaces).