• Class Expectations



    Class Conduct

    Students are expected to show respect for themselves, their peers, and their teacher.  

    Daily Preparation for Class

    Students are expected to arrive to class each day with the following supplies:

    -Social studies section in binder and folder

    -Any assignment due on a particular day

    -Assignment book

    -Black/blue pens and pencils


    Only black or blue pens are permitted for tests/quizzes/graded assignments. Using a pencil or colored ink on such assignments will result in a deduction of 2 points.



              Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. When necessary, homework will be assigned on a Friday as well. All assignments, unless otherwise instructed, will be due the following school day. Students will be instructed to copy the assignment from the board into their assignment pad at the beginning of each class. In addition, assignments will be posted on the school website on my class webpage. Be sure to check the correct class period.

    In order to receive full credit for homework, all directions for completing homework must be followed (complete sentences, neatness, completed in the notebook or on worksheet given, correct assignment, etc,) Each missed homework will be entered into a class log and may require parental notification and signature. Each time 3 zeroes are accumulated within a marking period, a before or after school detention will be assigned.