Miss Onore



Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education

Ms. Onore

Welcome to 8th Grade LAL!


8th Grade Middle School Handbook


8th Grade LAL

Ms. Onore

Deerfield School

Rm. 31

(908) 232-8828



Units Covered:

Over the course of the year, students will work through a series of reading and writing units.  Students will read several literary works including short stories, essays, and poems, as well as various non-fiction pieces.  Also, students will compose different writing pieces analyzing or modeling from the accompanying reading materials.

Materials Needed:

Students must come prepared every day with a binder with loose-leaf paper, divided into “Do Now,” “Mini-Lesson Notes,” and “Writing Notebook” sections.  Students must also bring a folder, a highlighter, post-it notes, and a pen.  Students should also have an agenda book where they can record their daily homework assignments.  Students must come prepared to class with their independent reading novel every day.

Grading Guidelines:



-Writing Assignments/Assessments

Habits of Learning



-Engagement, Completion &



Late Policy (for the above)-

Academic Assignments- Deduction of 10% per day late

Habits of Learning- Half credit awarded one day late, further outstanding assignments not accepted


LAL Homework Reminders-

Homework assignments are always due the following day, unless otherwise advised.

ALL homework is due at the beginning of the class period, unless otherwise advised.

If a student missed class due to absence, it is his/her responsibility to make up missed work.

ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO READ INDEPENDENTLY EVERY NIGHT- Academic classes- 20 min/20 pgs per night, Honors class- 30 min/30 pgs per night