

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Tiscia

Welcome to the Art Room!

Students in grades three through eight get to explore art history through diverse compositional experiences in new mediums, ranging from drawing, painting, scultpting, collage, basketry, to ceramics. Every project has imagination, creativity, and effort in play. Students are graded on originality/creatitivity, art making skills, following directions, effort, and participation. For middle school students, make sure to check your Google Classroom and Genesis for up to date grades and assignments. 


For questions and concerns email Mrs. Tiscia,

  • Deerfield's Art Studio

    7:30 to 8:05 a.m. in the art room! Listen to morning announcements for meeting notifications and cancelations. 

    Grades 3 & 4 - Tuesdays

    Grades 5 & 6 - Wednesdays 

    Grades 7 & 8 - Thursdays


    Meeting dates can be found here and on the Deerfield Daily Google Classroom activities calendar!

    If interested in joining Art Studio, please email Mrs. Tiscia!

  • Grading in the Art Room!

    Students will be graded using the rubrics below. Effort and participation are cruicial in finding success in each creation!

    Elementary School Rubric

    Elementary Rubric

    Middle School Rubric

    Middle School