Deerfield School

Grades 3 - 8

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Message from Mrs. Jenks

  • When I began my career in Mountainside in September of 1995, Deerfield School was the only school in the district. I was a first-grade teacher, and my room was down by the APR. While it seems unimaginable now, we were all comfy in our one school district. I watched Deerfield grow until I was ultimately one of two kindergarten classes located in portables near the back parking lot of the school.

    In 2004, I took my first-grade class over to the newly renovated Beechwood School. The hallways looked like a box of crayons and soon the rainbow tie-dye Beechwood Bear shirt became a thing of legend.

    I found myself back at Deerfield when I began teaching gifted and talented, and ultimately ended my teaching career in fifth grade. It was time for my next adventure in Mountainside. My two years as the principal of Beechwood School (2019-2021) will always be treasured as the students, staff, and families filled my heart with their dedication, kindness, and support.

    I am excited to have returned to where it all began. I am humbled and honored to be the principal of Deerfield School. 

    Let's go, Huskies!

    With Husky Pride,
    Mrs. Jenks