Directions to Deerfield School Gym
Click below for directions to back of the building
Winter Sports Information
Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are interested in trying out for Deerfield School's Basketball or Wrestling Teams, please see the following important dates below:
October 24th: Meeting for any 6th-8th grade boys interested in trying out for the boys' basketball team. Meet Coach Kessler in his classroom at 3:00 pm
October 24th: Meeting for any 6th-8th grade girls interested in trying out for the girls' basketball team. Meet Coach Young in his classroom at 3:00 pm
October 28th: (rescheduled due to power outage/firedrill) Nov 1st: Wrestling Coach Van Oostendorp from Berkeley Heights will share information during lunch periods. Physicals are also due by Nov 1st.November 1st: All physical forms and permission slips need to be sent to the school nurse. Our school doctor will be here to review them and approve them.
Please contact the nurse ASAP if you have any questions. All forms can be found online.
Monday, November 11th, Tuesday, November 12th and Wednesday, November 13th are the tryout days for both the girls and boys basketball teams as follows:
Monday, November 11th Tuesday, November 12th Wednesday, November 13th Boys 4:30-6pm Boys 3-4:30 pm Boys 4:30-6pm Girls 3-4:30pm
Girls 4:30-6pm Girls 3-4:30pm Click here for 24/25 Schedules:
Girls' Game Schedule (*subject to change)
Boys' Game Schedule (*subject to change)
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. We look forward to an exciting basketball and wrestling season!
Ms. Castro
Athletic Coordinator
Wrestling for 7th and 8th Graders
Coach Jared Van Oostendorp jvanoostendorp@bhpsnj.org
October 28thNov 1st: Interest meeting with information will take place during lunch periodsSteps to register for the Columbia Middle School and Deerfield Middle School Wrestling program (Lead Education Agency: BHBOE)- Each student must have a completed NJDOE PPE physical forms. The students must hand physical forms to Mrs. Branco in the Deerfield School Health Office.
- Each Deerfield Wrestler will need to complete the Columbia Middle School Form ReLeaf online registration. The link for the students is: link for Berkeley Heights. This site is required by each student-athlete to complete in order to participate. They do not need an ID number or Pin to complete the process.
- The students will need to submit the $100.00 fee to the Berkeley Heights Board of Education. It is recommended that the Mountainside students remit payment directly to the Berkeley Heights Business Office at 345 Plainfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922, Attention Nancy Floyd nfloyd@bhpsnj.org. Please have the student's name, grade and CMS Wrestling in the Memo line.
Please be reminded that no student-athlete can participate until Susan has completely cleared them!Ashley ReedyAdministrative Assistant, Athletic OfficeGovernor Livingston High School(908) 464-3100 ext. 2545CJ Hendricks - chendricks@bhpsnj.org
Director of Health, Physical Education and AthleticsGovernor Livingston High School and Columbia Middle School175 Watchung Blvd.Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922(908) 464-3100 ext. 2540