a proud history... a promising future...
Communications from Mrs. Walling - 2024-2025
In-Person & Remote Instructional Plans
Electronic Friday Folder (ELFF)
Teacher Web Pages
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Info
NJ School Performance Report
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
Strategic Planning 2024-2029
Mission, Vision, and Goals
General Communication Procedures & Chain of Command
Lead Drinking Water Test Results
Gifted & Talented Appeals and Complaint Procedures
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Early Dismissal Students/PD for Teachers
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM School Closed (President's Day)
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Board of Education Meeting
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Board of Education Meeting
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Early Dismissal Students/PD for Teachers
Welcome to our Mountainside School District website, my name is Janet Walling. I am honored to be the Superintendent of the Mountainside School District and would like to take a moment to introduce myself and share some of my background with you.
I come to you with 31 years of experience working at the Atlantic Highlands Elementary School District with students from preschool through sixth grade. During my years teaching in both special education and elementary classrooms, I regularly adapted instruction to meet the emotional and educational needs of each individual student. In my roles as both Principal and Director of Assessment and Elementary Programs, I provided guidance and support to all staff, while ensuring curriculum alignment and implementation, developing budgets that are conscious of the financial needs of the community, and managing initiatives and projects which aligned with the goals of our Strategic Plan.
Here in Mountainside, I continue to build on this experience and routinely work closely with the Board of Education, PTO, parent volunteers, and other local groups to increase the vital school-community connections which are integral in supporting the success of our district. We have successfully navigated the unique challenges facing education during the pandemic, and I will continue to put the health and safety of our staff and students at the forefront of planning as we move ahead. I am proud to lead the Mountainside School District and continue to promote the level of excellence that this close-knit community has come to expect. I look forward to the opportunities to meet with families at back-to-school nights, end-of-the-year activities, and our many special events in between. I can be reached at jwalling@mountainsideschools.org or through the Board of Education office.
1497 Woodacres Drive Mountainside, NJ 07092
Phone: 908-232-8828Fax: 908-946-3202